Get To Know Us, Leadership Team
Tom Abercrombie, Founder
Mike Murphy, President, Abercrombie, Simmons & Gillette, Inc.
Doug Metz, President, AS&G claims administration, inc. / Carelogic
Dave Derouen, Corporate Vice President, Information Technology
Doug Stolt, Property and Casualty Manager
Kristina Yandell, Vice President, Claims Management
Dejaune Phillips, Vice President, Client Engagement and Solutions
Bridgette Hammant, Director, Cost Containment Services, Care Logic
Since our beginning in 1983, AS&G Claims Administration Inc has strived to be the best in our space. We partner / are members of all of the top associations in our industry. Please take a look at our list below.
NAIIA - National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters
PLRB - Property & Liability resource Bureau
TSLA - Texas Surplus Lines Association
PRIMA - Public Risk Management Association
TEXAS PRIMA - Texas Public Risk Management Association
LEA - Loss Executives Association
TANS - Texas Alliance of Non Subscribers
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